CCIJF – 在仏日本商工会議所



Dear friends of ASISKAY

The weather was perfect last Saturday when we started the 232nd competition of ASISKAY at Golf d’Apremont.

I had the pleasure to play with two very nice persons and partners, Kelly san and Ishizuka san.

Kelly played a very good golf during the 9 first holes and I tried to do my best to follow her good shots even.

Due to my absence last year and thanks to the winners with low handicap my handicap has been increased during that time so I had no stress to play,

So finally I arrived at the first place and I was very surprised !

This is the fith time for me to win this competition and I’m very proud of that considering the great number of very good players in our association.

I thanks every members od ASISKAY for their fairplay and friendship and particularly my partners of this day and the kanji!!

See you next time !
